
《超完美告别》之爱自己多一点 Love our time today





最後搭上的这首「Love our time today」片尾曲,听起来还真不错,歌词简单、主旋律轻快,顺着视频的调调,让客户烦躁的冬天,忽然间想要累了的、快乐的活压下去,呵呵呵呵。   人生道路嘛,面对它、处理它,一转眼就过了。  


(现在才看这部我也不是是LAG一段时间了? …)      


Love our time today   (Yamit Mamo)

Love our time today
You know all trivials fade away but
love is here to stay
I don’t know another way
Don’t let me now and then
I am not thinking about when, coz
all we have is now.
We’ve got to get through it somehow

Don’t leave it late now
Love cannot wait now.
Let’s get it started
Waiting will be broken hearted

No more delay now
No more to say now
This magic day is all we have and
all we’ll ever know

Love our time today
Love our time today
Love our time today ye~

Love our time today
Love our time today
Love our time today ye~

I won’t ever leave you
I would not deceive you
not while the sun is shining
not with the spring arriving

Love me now or never
Don’t put it off forever
You sit and wait for too long
then wait along
and I’ll be gone

Love our time today
Love our time today
Love our time today ye~

Love our time today
Love our time today
Love our time today ye~

I hope we stay together
and yes I mean forever
It’s not a promise I make
You’ll have it
then I can’t break

If we stay together
we’ll miss that nasty weather
You and me forever,
that’s how we’ll be together

Love me now and then
I am not thinking about when, coz
all we have is now
We’ve got to get though it somehow

Love our time today
You know all trivials fade away but
love is here to stay
I don’t know another way

Love our time today
Love our time today
Love our time today ye~

Love our time today
Love our time today
Love our time today ye~

Love our time today
Love our time today
Love our time today ye~

最後版本更新:09-14, 2013 十一点 11:30


9 Replies to “《超完美告别》之爱自己多一点 Love our time today”

  1. 真的LAG有点久了~~
    再推另一部不落俗套的黑色喜剧: Big Nothing

  2. 一旦我没记错,这部片可是从一开始到结束都布满了脏话啊~~XD 不要哪个身份都很会骂人~@@
  3. 哈哈…这部电影很有趣..


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