[Ping.fm挂站] 网址出包,GoDaddy还卯起来塞满广告!
ping.fm网站主要功能是让我们可以透过Google Talk等各种即时通讯软体发送讯息到各大微网志(如twitter、Plurk..等)的服务(网站介绍按这里),当我们用Google Tak发送讯息跟网址到twitter与其他微网志网站时,都会自动将超长的网址转成「https://ping.fm/xxx」这样的短网址来代替,这次GoDaddy服务出包,除了ping.fm网站开不了之外,用ping.fm短网址发出去的连结也都开不了了,连过去都会是GoDaddy满满一整个页面的广告…。
本来还以为ping.fm被国内金融投资风暴打中,根据网友提供数据的讯息或许是GoDaddy出包:GoDaddy这个耍流氓…Just to set everyone at ease, we are simply waiting on GoDaddy to update their end so that this mess becomes history. I‘ve been in direct contact with them. Actually, the office of the President of GoDaddy called me personally ensuring that they are working on this with a high priority.
Everyone can do us a favor by just spreading the word that everything in power is being done to correct this. And be known that we aren’t going anywhere. This isn’t us leaving, nor shutting down. This is a problem that has come between service provider and client. It’s unfortunate, but it happens. This should all go away any time now. Thanks for your continued support through some wrenches in the system. Keep on pingin! (Bots still work.) (此段讯息采用自:)
看样子网址跟DNS这类东西还真的有至高无上的风险啊...没管理好的话,问题可大了。Ping.fm还没恢复之前,可以先用 HelloTxt 顶着。
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