Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Fri, 16 Aug 2013 21:55:28 +0000 hourly 1 // Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Tue, 17 Mar 2009 06:00:13 +0000 // ɕ下輶完會到哪裡啊?在c裡嗎?哪個目錄??/p> ]]> Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Fri, 06 Mar 2009 06:17:18 +0000 // ƞ覆Є對象為?a href="//">小孩」?/p>

ա裝ie8?br /> 穩的̄是firefox~
?/p> ]]> Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Tue, 03 Feb 2009 07:31:33 +0000 // [Windows Vista]
. Internet Explorer: C:\Users\\AppData\LocalLow\Google\Google Gears for Internet Explorer
. Firefox: Database files are stored in the user profile directory. C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\{PROFILE}.default\Google Gears for Firefox
. Google Chrome: Database files are stored in the user profile directory. C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Plugin Data\Google Gears

[Windows XP]
. Internet Explorer: C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Google Gears for Internet Explorer
. Firefox: Database files are stored in the user profile directory. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\{PROFILE}.default\Google Gears for Firefox
. Google Chrome: Database files are stored in the user profile directory. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Plugin Data\Google Gears

[Mac OS X]
. Firefox: Database files are stored in the user profile directory. Users//Library/Caches/Firefox/Profiles/{PROFILE}.default/Google Gears for Firefox
. Safari: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Google Gears for Safari
. Linux Firefox: Database files are stored in the user home directory. /.mozilla/firefox/{PROFILE}.default/Google Gears for Firefox

Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Tue, 03 Feb 2009 00:49:47 +0000 // 剛試了一下,發現他將信件中的附件全部下߿Ґ目錄,可以直接돖,這樣只要用顏腦Є人不就可以Ɉ了嗎? 好怪,看公司Є電腦不能用顀Ɋ能,只能在家裡?/p> ]]> Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Sun, 01 Feb 2009 10:52:59 +0000 // 我試用過,不想要繼續使用offlineЄ功能,
̣那些已˸載的信件檔案要到哪邊刪除?ֽ我是用Firefox?br /> Կ且我發oogle Gears顀附ɠ元件也沒有辦法移除Կ?

Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Sun, 01 Feb 2009 00:56:48 +0000 // Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Sat, 31 Jan 2009 12:25:49 +0000 // 要用Google GearsЄ說
ɉWP〶oogle Docs用過,沒很好用Є樣?#8230;
待出現Gmail〶oogle Docs〶oogle ߥ曆Є程式版?br /> 每次都要開網ׁ很麻煩Є說

Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Sat, 31 Jan 2009 04:02:12 +0000 // ?.̣個請?br /> 我想安裝ie7
已經下輶好從新開?br /> 卻還e6
麻煩你,?/p> ]]>
Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Fri, 30 Jan 2009 15:22:29 +0000 // Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Fri, 30 Jan 2009 14:58:00 +0000 // Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Fri, 30 Jan 2009 14:25:19 +0000 // Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Fri, 30 Jan 2009 14:16:32 +0000 // 我將我的第一?Gmail 信箱啟用了離線版ɟ能,就不能再處理第二?Gmail 信箱了。若要處理其他的 Gmail 信箱,就只能用其他的瀏覽器。有點不方便?/p> ]]> Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Fri, 30 Jan 2009 14:16:05 +0000 // 太棒?不過要吃硬碟空間要好好考慮一下,

Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Fri, 30 Jan 2009 13:32:14 +0000 // ?#8230;.目ո用 7289 MB 配額中的 1929 MB (26%)?/p> ]]> Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Fri, 30 Jan 2009 12:47:14 +0000 // Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Fri, 30 Jan 2009 12:24:21 +0000 // ̣樣子跟windows mail 甚麼分別呢?

Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:50:48 +0000 // 想請問這些郵件存在哪裡呢?能否自行設버存的地方͢?

謝謝 ]]>
Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Fri, 30 Jan 2009 09:47:28 +0000 // ո
我現在他幫我升級?.3?/p> ]]>
Telegram_telegramĹ_Telegram // Fri, 30 Jan 2009 09:46:40 +0000 // ׭香…
뱸我問你喔 我是windows vistaͲ階版阿
昨天我不小弨全刪了windows media player 11Є播放器
