「telegram中文」粉丝专页被 Facebook 无预警封锁(停权)!
你还在Facebook上经营粉丝专页吗?总还有一个天轮到你!2010/12/11的更新:在被封锁3个月後,Facebook终於还我清白,把粉丝专页还给我了… 。
如果你遇到类似状况的话,除了页面上如果有地方可以申诉的话就按进去试试看,如果不行,就试试看下面的方式沟通看看:或「另外这个」FB 帐号被停用的回报页面。
- 小歪碎碎念:
- 数位内容观察站:
Date of Last Revision: April 22, 2010Facebook Pages Terms
- 1. Pages are special profiles that may only be used to promote a business or other commercial, political, or charitable organization or endeavor (including non-profit organizations, political campaigns, bands, and celebrities).
- 2. You may only administer a Facebook Page if you are an authorized representative of the subject of the Page.
- 3. Pages can only post content and information under the “everyone” setting.
- 4. When you publish content or information to your Page we have no obligation to distribute your content or information to users.
- 5. If you use a Fan Box or Like widget off of our site to promote your Page, others will be able to copy and place the widget elsewhere.
- 6. You may not place a Fan Box or Like widget in an advertisement.
- 7. If you collect user information on your Page, Section 9 of this Statement also applies to you.
- 8. If you display advertising on your Page, Section 11 of this Statement also applies to you.
- 9. You may not establish terms beyond those set forth in this Statement to govern the posting of content by users on a Page you administer, except you may disclose they types of content you will remove from your Page and grounds for which you may ban a user from accessing the Page.
- 10. You will restrict access to your Page in order to comply with all applicable laws. For example, if your Page includes content not suitable for minors, you will use your Page to block minors from accessing your Page.
说也可以笑,我以前才刚接到「Facebook 粉丝专页数据周报」,一起看起来都很正常值,也没接到其中报警讯息,就这样给我乱停权,好歹也也发个说明、让我调节。,延伸阅读:
这样关了 在发信通知就好了
不只脸书 噗浪也是一样
用免费的东西 随时会有任何状况的
不过我想等Google Me (我是期待它能有中文介面)
你是那个之前有写flash教学书的小正正吗?? 我在10年前看过你的书….真的是热血沸腾呀
现在我已经是2个小孩的奶爸了….不过….永远是小正正粉丝 喔耶! (回想当宅男玩flash的时光)