时间确定,MSN 将於 4/8 退休!以後没得用了,请改用 Skype
更新:微软针对台湾网友的 MSN 停用日期改为 4/8,虽然延後了,不过时间到了之後还是得转到 Skype 用。
之前有提过微软即将停用 Windows Live Messenger 即时通讯软体,,
原本以为这样的改变可能会因为先前使用者太过震惊而多给大家一点时间准备和适应,不过根据 网站所收到的微软发出的重要通知讯息显示(奇怪我怎麽都没收到%^#&$),MSN 即时通讯软体退休的时间已经确定了,就是今年的 3/15 日(最後法定期限游戏更新为 4/8 ),和原先的传闻一致,就是 2013 年的第一季。
,On 15th March 2013 we are retiring the existing Messenger service globally (except for mainland China where Messenger will continue to be available) and bringing the great features of Messenger and Skype together. Update to Skype and sign in using a Microsoft Account (same as your Messenger ID) and all your Messenger contacts will be at your fingertips. You’ll be able to instant message and video chat with them just like before, and also discover new ways of staying in touch with Skype on your mobile and tablet.